Plant Intelligence and Human Consciousness, Feeling and Consciousness, Consciousness in First Person - Altered states of consciousness, A Map of the Emotions, Education and Future

08/04/2023 06:49:26 Author: Jackson Cionek

Plant Intelligence and Human Consciousness, Feeling and Consciousness, Consciousness in First Person - Altered states of consciousness,  A Map of the Emotions, Education and Future 

EEG MicroStates Homeostasis and Feelings

EEG MicroStates Homeostasis and Feelings

Brain States - Feeling and Consciousness

Feeling and Consciousness

Brain States - Plant Intelligence and Human Consciousness

Plant Intelligence and Human Consciousness

Brain States - Altered states of consciousness 

Altered states of consciousness

Consciousness in First-Person Jackson Cionek
Consciousness in First-Person Jackson Cionek

Consciousness in First Person
- Perception of time and space

Perception of time and space

Consciousness in First Person - A Map of the Emotions

A Map of the Emotions

Consciousness in First Person - Consciousness Hacking 

Consciousness Hacking

nEdu & nDev - Educação no Século XXI

Educação no Século XXI

nEdu & nDev - Education and Future 

Education and Future

NIRS NIRS-fNIRS Webinar Course fNIRS

Neuroscience 2023 BRAINN CONGRESS

Neuroscience 2023 EEG NIRS for research

Neuroscience Research EEG ERP EEG-fMRI Publication

EEG Amplifier for Research


#body #girlpower #music



00:00:00 - 01:40:00

Feeling and Consciousness


01:40:00 - 04:45:00

Plant Intelligence and Human Consciousness


04:45:00 - 07:54:00

Altered states of consciouness


07:54:00 - 10:11:00

Perception of time and space


10:11:00 - 11:34:00

A Map of the Emotions


11:34:00 - 14:31:00

Consciousness Hacking


14:31:00 - 16:20:00

Educação no Século XXI


16:20:00 - 20:01:00

Education and Future


20:01:00 - 21:16:00



21:16:00 - 23:21:00



23:21:00 - 23:59:00


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Jackson Cionek