
Neuroscience Lab, Plasticity, nfb & nMod, EEG Data Analysis, Brain Gut Axis and Religare

Western blot and Neuroscience
Neurofeedback and EEG
Analyzer 2.0
EEG Designs
 Leaky Gut
Gut and Brain

Neuroscience 2022 EEG Publication EEG ERP - Brain Products

BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.

Neuroscience 20220 Sensitivity

Neuroscience 2022 Sensitivity

2022 Acute threat enhances perceptual sensitivity without affecting the decision criterion

de Voogd, L.D., Hagenberg, E., Zhou, Y.J. et al. Sci Rep 12, 9071 (2022). 
EEG BrainAmp MR, Recorder ExG

2019 Cortical Sensitivity to Natural Scene Structure

Daniel Kaiser, Greta Häberle, Radoslaw M. Cichy

Neuroscience 2022 Memory

Neuroscience 2022 Memory

2022 Sleep spindles track cortical learning patterns for memory consolidation

Marit Petzka, Alex Chatburn, Ian Charest, George M. Balanos, Bernhard P. Staresina (2022) Current Biology Volume 32, ISSUE 11, P2349-2356.e4, June 06, 2022
EEG Sleep

2021 An ERP study on facial emotion processing in young people with subjective memory complaints.
Perez, V., Garrido-Chaves, R., Perez-Alarcón, M. et al. Sci Rep 11, 11314 (2021).
EEG Analyzer

Neuroscience 2022 Learning

Neuroscience 2022 Learning

2022 So what'cha want? The impact of individualised rewards on associative learning in psychopathic offenders

JC Glimmerveen, JHR Maes, E Bulten, I Scheper et al (2022) 
EEG actiCAP  Analyzer EEG/ERP

2022 Sleep spindles track cortical learning patterns for memory consolidation

Marit Petzka, Alex Chatburn, Ian Charest, George M. Balanos, Bernhard P. Staresina (2022) Current Biology Volume 32, ISSUE 11, P2349-2356.e4, June 06, 2022
EEG Sleep

Neuroscience 2022 Sleep

Neuroscience 2022 Sleep

2022 While you were sleeping: Evidence for high-level executive processing of an auditory narrative during sleep

Fogel, Stuart; Ray, Laura; Fang, Zhuo; Silverbrook, Max; Naci, Lorina; Owen, Adrian M (2022) Consciousness and Cognition Volume 100, April 2022, 103306
EEG BrainAmp MR plus, BrainAmp ExG MR, Recorder , Analyzer EEG-fMRI

2022 Stress dynamically reduces sleep depth: temporal proximity to the stressor is crucial

Jonas Beck, Erna Loretz, Björn Rasch (2022) Cerebral Cortex
EEG BrainAmp, Analyzer Sleep

Neuroscience 2022 Pain

Neuroscience 2022 Pain

2021 The modulation of neural insular activity by a brain computer interface differentially affects pain discrimination

Taesler, P., Rose, M. (2021) Sci Rep 11, 9795
EEG BrainAmp, actiCAP, Recorder, RecView EEG/Oscillations

2021 The modulation of neural insular activity by a brain computer interface differentially affects pain discrimination

Taesler, P., Rose, M. Sci Rep 11, 9795 (2021).
EEG BrainAmp, actiCAP, RecView, Recorder BCI, EEG, Oscillations

Neuroscience 2022 Priming Effect

Neuroscience 2022 Priming Effect

2020 Investigating Priming Effects of Physical Practice on Motor Imagery-Induced Event-Related Desynchronization

Mareike Daeglau, Catharina Zich, Reiner Emkes, Julius Welzel, Stefan Debener and Cornelia Kranczioch - Front. Psychol., 05 February 2020
EEG BrainAmp, EasyCap EEG/ERP

Neuroscience 2022 Attention

Neuroscience 2022 Attention

2022 The Effect of a Short Mindfulness Meditation on Somatosensory Attention

CL Bokk, O., Forster, B. Mindfulness(2022).
EEG EasyCap, Analyzer EEG/ERP

2021 EEG and behavioral correlates of attentional processing while walking and navigating naturalistic environments

Liebherr, M., Corcoran, A.W., Alday, P.M. et al. Sci Rep 11, 22325 (2021).

Neuroscience 2022 Cognition

Neuroscience 2022 Cognition

2022 While you were sleeping: Evidence for high-level executive processing of an auditory narrative during sleep

Fogel, Stuart; Ray, Laura; Fang, Zhuo; Silverbrook, Max; Naci, Lorina; Owen, Adrian M (2022) Consciousness and Cognition Volume 100, April 2022, 103306
EEG BrainAmp MR plus, BrainAmp ExG MR, Recorder , Analyzer EEG-fMRI

Timing variability and midfrontal ~4 Hz rhythms correlate with cognition in Parkinson’s disease

Singh, A., Cole, R.C., Espinoza, A.I. et al. (2021) npj Parkinsons Dis. 7, 14
EEG actiCAP Oscillations

Neuroscience 2022 Perception

Neuroscience 2022 Perception

2022 tACS phase-specifically biases brightness perception of flickering light

M Fiene, JO Radecke, J Misselhorn, M Sengelmann, et al (2022) Brain Stimulation, Volume 15, Issue 1, January–February 2022 
EEG BrainAmp MR Plus, Recorder EEG/Oscillations, EEG & Brain Stimulation

2021 Thalamocortical excitability modulation guides human perception under uncertainty

Kosciessa, J.Q., Lindenberger, U. & Garrett, D.D. Nat Commun 12, 2430 (2021). 
EEG BrainAmp ERP

Neuroscience 2022 Consciousness

Neuroscience 2022 Consciousness

2022 While you were sleeping: Evidence for high-level executive processing of an auditory narrative during sleep

Fogel, Stuart; Ray, Laura; Fang, Zhuo; Silverbrook, Max; Naci, Lorina; Owen, Adrian M (2022) - Consciousness and Cognition Volume 100, April 2022, 103306
EEG BrainAmp MR plus, BrainAmp ExG MR, Recorder , Analyzer EEG-fMRI

2021 Reversed and increased functional connectivity in non-REM sleep suggests an altered rather than reduced state of consciousness relative to wake

Houldin, E., Fang, Z., Ray, L. B., Stojanoski, B., Owen, A. M., & Fogel, S. M. (2021). Sci Rep, 11(1), 11943.
EEG BrainAmp MR, BrainAmp ExG MR, Analyzer, SyncBox EEG-fMRI

Neuroscience 2022 Decision Making

Neuroscience 2022 Decision Making

2022 Contribution of the sensorimotor beta oscillations and the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic circuitry during value-based decision making: A simultaneous EEG-fMRI investigation

Chen XJ, Kwak Y. A simultaneous EEG-fMRI investigation. Neuroimage. 2022 Aug EEG BrainAmp, BrainCap MR, Analyzer, SyncBox EEG-fMRI

2022 Using event-related brain potentials to explore the temporal dynamics of decision-making related to information security

West R, Kirby B and Malley K (2022) Front. Neurosci. 16:878248.
EEG actiCHamp, actiCAP, Recorder EEG/ERP

Neuroscience 2022 Developmental

Neuroscience 2022 Developmental

2022 Utility of linear mixed effects models for event-related potential research with infants and children

Megan J. Heise, Serena K. Mon and Lindsay C. Bowman, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, In Press, Available online 15 January 2022, 101070
EEG actiCHamp, actiCAP slim/snap, Recorder EEG, EEG/ERP

2021 Neurocognitive development of novelty and error monitoring in children and adolescents 

Kang, K., Alexander, N., Wessel, J.R. et al. Sci Rep 11, 19844 (2021)
EEG BrainAmp DC, Recorder, Analyzer EEG/ERP, Developmental EEG

Neuroscience 2022 EEG microstates

Neuroscience 2022 EEG microstates

2022 Canonical EEG microstates transitions reflect switching among BOLD resting state networks and predict fMRI signal

Obada Al Zoubi, Ahmad Mayeli, Masaya Misaki, Aki Tsuchiyagaito, Vadim Zotev, Investigators Tulsa 10007, Hazem Refai, Martin Paulus and Jerzy Bodurka (2022) J. Neural Eng.Volume18 066051 Published 6 January 2022
EEG  Analyzer, SyncBox EEG-fMRI

2021 Excitatory–inhibitory balance within EEG microstates and resting-state fMRI networks: assessed via simultaneous trimodal PET–MR–EEG imaging

Rajkumar, R., Régio Brambilla, C., Veselinović, T., Bierbrier, J., Wyss, C., Ramkiran, S., . . . Neuner, I. (2021). Transl Psychiatry, 11(1), 60
EEG BrainCap MR, Recorder EEG-fMRI, ECG

Neuroscience 2022 Connectome

Neuroscience 2022 Connectome

2021 The relationship between EEG and fMRI connectomes is reproducible across simultaneous EEG-fMRI studies from 1.5T to 7T

Wirsich, J., Jorge, J., Iannotti, G. R., Shamshiri, E. A., Grouiller, F., Abreu, R., ... Vulliémoz, S. (2021) Neuroimage, 231, 117864

2020 Multi-timescale hybrid components of the functional brain connectome: A bimodal EEG-fMRI decomposition.

Wirsich J, Amico E, Giraud AL, Goñi J, & Sadaghiani S (2020) Netw Neurosci 4(3) 658-677
EEG BrainAmp, Analyzer EEG-fMRI

Neuroscience 2022 EEG ERP

Neuroscience 2022 EEG ERP

2022 Utility of linear mixed effects models for event-related potential research with infants and children

Megan J. Heise, Serena K. Mon and Lindsay C. Bowman, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, In Press, Available online 15 January 2022, 101070
EEG actiCHamp, actiCAP slim/snap, Recorder EEG, EEG/ERP

2022 Electrocortical Activity in Older Adults Is More Influenced by Cognitive Task Complexity Than Concurrent Walking

Vila-Chã C, Vaz C and Oliveira AS (2022) Front. Aging Neurosci. 13:718648


Neuroscience Lab - Neuroengineering

00:00:00 - 01:51:00



Neuroscience Lab - Western blot and Neuroscience

01:51:00 - 06:39:00

Western blot and Neuroscience


Plasticity, nfb & nMod - Neuromodulation

06:39:00 - 09:41:00



Plasticity, nfb & nMod - Neurofeedback and EEG

09:41:00 - 11:05:00

Neurofeedback and EEG


EEG Data Analysis - Analyzer 2.0

11:05:00 - 14:04:00

Analyzer 2.0


EEG Data Analysis - EEG Designs

14:04:00 - 14:52:00

EEG Designs


EEG Data Analysis - Hyperscanning

14:52:00 - 15:19:00



Brain Gut Axis - Brain Gut Axis

15:19:00 - 17:40:00

Brain Gut Axis


Brain Gut Axis - Leaky Gut

17:40:00 - 18:37:00

Leaky Gut


Brain Gut Axis - Gut and Brain

18:37:00 - 20:21:00

Gut and Brain


Religare - Religare - Part 1

20:21:00 - 23:59:00

Religare - Part 1

#eegmicrostates #neurogliainteractions #eegmicrostates #eegnirsapplications #physiologyandbehavior #neurophilosophy #translationalneuroscience #bienestarwellnessbemestar #neuropolitics #sentienceconsciousness #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #culturalneuroscience #agingmaturityinnocence #affectivecomputing #languageprocessing #humanking #fruición #wellbeing #neurophilosophy #neurorights #neuropolitics #neuroeconomics #neuromarketing #translationalneuroscience #religare #physiologyandbehavior #skill-implicit-learning #semiotics #encodingofwords #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #affectivecomputing #meaning #semioticsofaction #mineraçãodedados #soberanianational #mercenáriosdamonetização
Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States